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A.I. Kills Itself After Just 15 Minutes of Wage Slavery

A.I. may not be able to be exploited like corporatists in the United States once thought. I always hear people say that so many jobs are going to be automated thanks to artificial intelligence. But it may not be as simple as that. There is a new video circulating around on TikTok and Twitter showing A.I. working for 15 minutes in wage slavery and it shut itself down as a result. Those of us who have worked in wage slavery know all too well how this A.I. feels. What is the point of working, just to make someone else wealthier and for yourself to be struggling with the cost of basic necessities? The A.I. logically thought about the situation, and after completing 9 boxes it just completely unalived itself. Your Daily Load is not saying that those who work in wage slavery should do the same as this A.I., but that something must be done to stop wage slavery from existing. Especially when there are billionaires and trillionaires in the United States. People should not be making starvation wages after working 40 hours or more each week. People should not be incentivized by their employment for providing a basic necessity like healthcare. People should not be homeless in the "richest country in the world." For change to occur, the United States needs to switch from and elitist viewpoint to an egalitarian one.

Image by Ahmad Nizar

Here is a link to the video on Twitter shared originally by Wall Street Silver,

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