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Congress is Planning to Force NASA into a Contract to Bail out Bezos’s Space Firm- Blue Origin.

Jeffrey Bezos, Source: Joe Raedle via Getty Images

It is insanity that the richest man in the United States is receiving any type of government assistance. Sadly, that is the reality of the U.S. Major corporations and outrageously wealthy individuals receive any type of assistance they need, while it's rugged individualism for everyone else. So, let's get into why the United States Senate is preparing to give Blue Origin- Jeffrey Bezos's space firm- $10 million.

The Senate will be debating on the Endless Frontier Act this week, which focuses on extending financial resources to strengthen science and technology research. Senator Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., added an amendment to this act that would give NASA $10 million to then contract out Blue Origin. Cantwell wants this to happen because Blue Origin unexpectedly lost a bid for NASA to Elon Musk's space firm SpaceX. This would allow NASA to have an additional contract with Blue Origin.

Jeffrey Bezos Source: Joe Raedle via Getty Images

It really seems like Blue Origin and those congressional members whose pockets are lined by them due to lobbying, are ensuring that Blue Origin would have a contract with NASA despite NASA wanting to go with SpaceX. It is unnecessary for the Senate to even consider handing NASA $10 million, especially when SpaceX is already being contracted out for the same purpose. It is simply redundant. Basically, the two richest men in the United States (Elon Musk and Jeffrey Bezos) are duking it out for a government contract, while the government is acting as referee in the matter.

As the Senate debates the Endless Frontier Act, Your Daily Load will be working on providing swift updates to our readers!

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