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Idaho Hospitals Stop Delivering Babies in Wake of Roe v. Wade Reversal

New legislation is sweeping across the United States, and it is harming its people more than it is helping. This is precisely why politicians need to stay out of medical care. We have politicians who do not know anything about the female reproductive system, yet they are the very ones deciding if a woman should be able to receive life-saving care. Ectopic pregnancies need to be terminated as quickly as possible because if not it can be fatal for the woman. In some states they force women to carry their dead fetuses which can cause MRSA infections and lead to death. Despite this, many states have proposed and even adopted legislation that would rather put women into comas, than provide a life-saving treatment for those women. A clump of cells has more of a right to live than women who are alive do in the United States.

"Jane Roe" (Norma McCorvey) with her lawyer Gloria Allred during the Roe v. Wade legal case in 1973.

This is not just an issue with conservative states, because even in democratic states there are still practices employed that prioritize the fetus over the individual carrying. While pregnant with my twin sons, I had a stroke. I was near the end of my gestation, right around 34 weeks pregnant (I gave birth at 35 weeks), and I was working and basically everything that happens when you have a stroke happened to me. I had the worst headache of my life and shortly I started to become disoriented. I could not form words, or coherent sentences. I literally forgot how to speak, I lost vision in my right eye, and I became so weak I could not stand up. It was as if my entire right side was paralyzed. I could not move my right side, but I could feel pins and needles all throughout. Once I got to the emergency room it took 12 hours before a neurologist saw me, and all he said was "we cannot do an MRI to check for a stroke because you are pregnant, and it will harm the babies." He then told me if it happens again to just come back, but that "it is most likely just a headache," and that I did not actually have a stroke seeing as I was "so young," as the doctor said. So even in states where women still have reproductive rights, many times the doctor will still prioritize the unborn child's life over that of the mothers.

For doctors, the new legislation surrounding abortions makes it harder for them to uphold their ideals and principles while also following these laws simultaneously. It has caused these doctors to stop delivering babies at hospitals because doctors must uphold the standard of care, doctors cannot do this if the law is binding them from performing life-saving care. Doctors have an expression, and it is something along the lines of "first and foremost, do no harm." Meaning that if the doctor can save someone it is their ethical and moral responsibility to do so. The laws in Idaho and other staunchly conversative states will literally cause women to die due to the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

Hospitals around the nation will begin struggling to employ and retain doctors because it will simply be too risky and unethical for these doctors to be employed under the present political environment. So far two hospitals in Idaho have announced they are stopping labor and delivery services. It is only a matter of time until we start to see this nationwide.

Conservatives love to say they want to protect children, but they do not want to do anything that protects the children of the United States. In the U.S. gun violence is the leading cause of death for those under 18-years-old. Banning abortion, books, and drag is not making the United States any safer for any children. It is kind of ironic though how conservatives say a gun ban would never work, but then they result to wanting to ban any and everything that they disagree with.

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