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Louisville Bank Shooter Left Behind Notes Revealing his Motives

Connor Sturgeon went to work on April 10, 2023, murdered five of his coworkers and was eventually shot down by police officers. New details are now emerging about Sturgeon leaving behind detailed notes about his motives for planning and executing a mass shooting. The reasons are the follow: he wanted to display how easy it is for those in Kentucky to obtain a weapon, how the mental health crisis in the United States contributes to gun violence, and lastly, Sturgeon wanted to die by suicide.

It is all too often that we hear that mental health is the 'root' of gun violence. Still with this overwhelming amount of evidence displaying the correlation between mental health and gun violence, the U.S. does little to actually improve the mental health of their populous. The entire healthcare industry in the U.S. is just another industry who is profiting off the illnesses of Americans, rather than actually treating the illnesses and issues at hand. Many do not have access to mental health resources in the U.S., and for those who do, it can take up to several months before a mental health specialist can see a patient.

Scene at Old National Bank where the April shooting occurred. Source: Michael Swensen/ Getty Images

Kentucky also has little to no screening for those trying to purchase a firearm. Sturgeon had his mental illness well documented and that still did not prevent him from buying a firearm and killing 5 others, while instilling trauma on countless others who were present at the bank that day. There has to be some type of regulations on firearms. The Second Amendment beings with the most important words of this amendment, they are, "A well regulated Militia..." If there aren't any checks being made, how on Earth is that considered "A well regulated Milita?" The Federal government has to step up and enact real legislation that would force these Republican ran states to actually implement some type of common-sense gun reform.

Finally, perhaps an overlooked aspect to gun violence and mentally ill individuals, is that some of these individuals want to die by suicide. Suicide by cop is a form of suicide and that could very well explain an influx of mass shootings. There is truly a mental health crisis in the U.S., and gun violence is a direct product of the neglected mental health of countless Americans.

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