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Biden's Support Dwindles

Updated: Apr 26, 2023

Joe Biden Source: Gage Skidmore via Flickr

It is downright hilarious hearing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris discuss how much they have helped the average American; only this administration has done nothing but allow complacency to overgrow within it. If you're not in the 1% the last year has been especially hell. With utilities easily doubling what they were versus a year ago, and the price of food skyrocketing with no hopes of returning to 'normal.' It is tiring to constantly hear the excuse of 'inflation,' when if it were inflation companies would not be making record profits. What is happening is price gouging. Workers can't get a livable wage, paid time off, or even healthcare, but you better believe companies are making more than they ever have. Citizens can't even have safety within their homes, schools, or workplaces; with right around 21% of Americans experiencing gun violence (Americans’ Experiences With Gun-Related Violence, Injuries, And Deaths - Findings). According to Rivers, about 70% of Americans experience a traumatic event in their lives. Despite this, healthcare and subsequently mental healthcare are nonexistent for most Americans unless provided by their employer. Education is not prioritized in the States. Which is abundantly evident in our public schools from Pre-Kindergarten-grade 12, and even more so in the fact that free college is nonexistent here.

When hearing stories like Japan classifying forced religious teachings upon children as child abuse, it becomes clear how dystopic it is to live in the United States. In other countries it is safe for little kids to walk around without an adult, and here it is unsafe to send your kids to school. In fact, multiple state legislatures have legalized child labor despite federal legislation existing barring such actions. Yet, the federal government does NOTHING to stop it. I wish I could say this was new to the United States, but that would be an obvious falsity. From this nation's inception, having something in writing does not mean a whole lot. Treaties have been broken or just outright ignored, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Most modern presidents can be convicted of committing war crimes. The police are militarized and subsequently, arguably fascist. For a country safeguarding peace and prosperity, we sure have a funny way of displaying that to our own citizens.

Biden is only one person, who cannot do a whole lot without congressional support and approval. However, I think when the Democratic Party held the majority in Congress, they should have utilized that power to stack the courts. Additionally, with Biden approving the Willow Project, progressives and young voters are far from happy. The lack of care for humanity and the Earth is downright archaic and regressive. The United States is truly a nation that will be stuck in the past until that eventually leads to its demise.

With Biden as the front runner for the DNC, he does have a strong chance of winning if Trump or DeSantis become the front runner for the GOP. However, Biden is certainly not most peoples' first pick. It is just tiring to have candidates advocate for the average American and then do very little to actually help them. All will be discovered when 2024 shows up. There is still time for others to run as a presidential candidate. For now, polling is displaying a decline in support for Biden. Despite this, he still has a great chance of becoming re-elected, simply because of how shitty the rest of the candidates are.


Americans’ Experiences With Gun-Related Violence, Injuries, And Deaths - Findings. (2023, April 14). KFF. Americans’ Experiences With Gun-Related Violence, Injuries, And Deaths - Findings. (2023, April 14). KFF.

Rivers, A. (2023). The Impact of Trauma for Americans. MindWise.,traumatic%20event%20at%20least%20once%20in%20their%20lives.

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