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Republicans Want to Utilize Child Labor to Fill the Current Labor Shortage in the U.S.

Photo of Iowa's State Capitol taken by Tony Fischer

Who would have guessed that after Arkansas repealed child labor laws that other Republican states would follow and do the same? It is disgusting that instead of providing workers with a livable wage, affordable health insurance, paid time off, etc., that companies would rather look at employing children to fill the current labor shortage. Arkansas was the first state to pave the way in repealing state legislation and revising the provisions on child labor. As of April 18, 2023, the Iowa State Senate voted 32-17 passing Senate File 542, which revises Iowa's current child labor laws. This piece of legislation is bizarre. It revises the word "occupation" to "work activity" as if that makes the nature of the work any different (which it does not). In fact, it lists all the "work activities" that 14-year-olds in the state of Iowa can legally perform. This includes working in freezers and meat coolers.

Senate File 542 is up for review under Iowa's State House. The House has a companion bill, House File 647 that covers much of what Senate File 542 does and outlines and regulates aspects of child labor. If the House has no revisions to Senate File 542. then the file gets sent to Governor Kim Reynolds which she will more than likely sign into law seeing as she has already stated she is in favor of such legislation.

Iowa is not going to be the last state that tries to rescind child labor laws and regulations. It is mind boggling that states can even propose legislation such as Senate File 542 and House File 647 let alone pass them, because there is federal legislation regarding child labor. The Federal Government can step in at any given time to stop these states from repealing child labor laws and yet nothing is done about it. Why even have legislation in place if it isn't going to be utilized for its purpose?

Here is a link to Senate File 542: Iowa Legislature - BillBook

Here is a link to House File 647: Iowa Legislature - BillBook

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